Wednesday, 22 February 2012


We have different destinations as leaders.
All leaders are not on the way to the same place -are we?
-If you say "Yes, we are" -What/ where would that destination be?

Each one of us has a individual purpose, or reason for being.
We all have our own unique impact on life, the difference that each one of us should make
in our part of the ocean.  -The change that you have to bring about in your sphere of influence.

If we do have our own unique purpose and destination as leaders, -then our journeys would differ somewhat.
If our journeys differ, we would certainly not be at the same station or port of life at the exact same time...
-So why do we keep on comparing ourselves to others?

One of the young leaders following this blog, e-mailed a interesting response to me. Amongst other things she said: "Leaders should not be on route to their specific destination, following the directions of another."     -Just think about that for a moment........

Is that not exactly what we sometimes do?

We compare. We take the journeys, CV's, accomplishments, routes or models of others and try to copy or follow that precisely.  Believing that their "recipe" or journey plan will bring us to a destination of "success".

Maybe it will.  -But what if that is not the destination that you as a leader were suppose to reach?

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