Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The i's in team

We have probably all heard the saying: "There is no I in team." -Meaning that there is no room for individual agendas and egos when working together in a team that wants to be successful.

I have recently heard some one said: "There ís an I in team, you just can't see it."  As a matter of fact, there are many I's in team!  The meaning of the word and the concept "TEAM" points to the fact that it consists of different individuals working or playing together.

A bunch of different individuals tossed together in a group, does not necessarily makes them a team. A Team is more than a list of names under the same heading. TEAM starts to develop only when ALL the individuals, all the I's in a group makes the conscious decision to work together.  This working together must be for a specific purpose, or vision that is bigger than any one of them individually and bigger than the sum of their "greatness" as a group. In can be said that the roots of team lies in a shared vision and purpose.

A group of individuals will become a team when they work or play together to accomplish a shared purpose, but that is only possible when every team member knows how and when that purpose is achieved. Everybody needs to be clear on what a "win" means, as well as how it is achieved. Without that, it is impossible to know when "we" have achieved anything and the feeling of togetherness will fade easily.

Another important element in creating and growing a team, is that the right people -individuals with the needed abilities- are part of the team. Each one (of the right people) on the team should have a clear understanding of what their specific role on the team is. -Why are they there? What is expected of them and what would be a "win" for them personally?

I believe that the power of  a team does not lie in conformity, but in their unity within diversity. Being part of a team should not mean that you have to give up your identity and God given uniqueness. That uniqueness should be applied to enhance the ability and depth of the team.

There is an I in team, it is an i:
-Who is willing to commit to something larger than self.
-Who appreciates the differentness of others and empowers them.
-Who support and encourage fellow team members.
-Who cherishes togetherness and shared success.


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