Thursday, 15 March 2012


Many things that we do on a daily basis may be regarded as part of our personal occupational hazards... It is those things that we don't really like, or might even dislike intensely, but we just have to do it. It seems that everything we do, have one or more of those "don't-like-dreary-meaningless" elements embedded in them.

But, when most of what you are working hard for, does not really matter to you today and in the long run, -frustration and dissatisfaction will at some point surely knock on your door.
The World Health Organisation believes that by 2020 one of the leading causes of disability will be depression. Don't  underestimate the consequences of "meaninglessness"....

When you study the legacies of people that we generally regard as being successful, you will find that many of them have spent most of their time doing something that they regarded as meaningful. Something that had deep meaning to them personally. (Not necessarily to others.)  Something that they are, or were passionate about!

I have often wondered why many successful leaders and so called achievers, seem to be so disappointed and disillusioned with their lives at the end. -Is it because achievements without real personal meaning, doesn't last ?!

How much of what you do has real meaning to you?

Its all about passion!  Finding it and planning how to pursue it over a lifetime.  Its about doing a lifestyle audit and making sure that you spend a significant amount of your time on things that has deep meaning to you.

For some of us it might mean that we have to evolve or cycle into a different role or function in our workplace. It might even mean that we have to start searching for something else.  Many of us would simply have to find and spend more of our free time, doing the things that really matters to us and vibrates in our hearts and minds!

Life is too short and valuable to be spend on meaninglessness!


  1. Inspiring. A true challenge to cast away any form of apathy, complacency or living without direction!
