Friday, 23 March 2012


Funny how people who occupy relatively "low positions" on the so called authority ladder, sometimes acts as if they wield enormous power and influence!  Think about custom officials and army corporals for example.  They can make you run against your will and they can keep you from passing through a border, or just make life difficult for you, but that's about all...

Why do most of us think that leadership is about some or other position? Some people will do about anything, just to be elected or appointed to a certain position. Does a title, abbreviated job description, a plaque on your office door or desk, or a descriptive business card make you a leader? -Someone who can lord it over others!

Is filling a position equal to being a leader? Most of the time people follow positional leaders because they have to, not because of respect or perceived leadership abilities. In John Maxwell's old  adage about leadership (1993:5-7) : Position is the lowest level of leadership and normally "will not extend beyond the lines of one's job description."

"Real leadership is more than having authority; it is more than having the technical training and following the proper procedures. Real leadership is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow."

Leadership is not about position. (Although it might be a starting point recognition of some sort.) Leadership is about attitude and behaviour and the ability to influence people, regardless of your position. Leadership is being the person that others trust and want to follow.

Which poses the question: Can one exercise leadership without any (official) position?

*John Maxwell 1993, Developing the leader within you. Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville.

1 comment:

  1. Now how on earth do you better an article like this? Maybe just add my small contribution by saying: I have seen that -

    'Many people find their self worth in what they DO (or position they fill) rather than WHO they are IN CHRIST'.

    That really opened the door for me! Jesus served, washed feet, touched the diseased and slept under the stars and traveled via foot or donkey (no 1st class booked!)

    Bless ya my beloved brother for phenomenal articles which I pray every (potential) leader reads!

    Your bush friend .... from somewhere!
