Tuesday, 14 August 2012


I know some people that would probably be declared alive by doctors in the context of a hospital, but they surely ain't living!

There is a big difference between being alive and really living your life........

Some of us are just alive. We're existing. We see a revolving door of dawn and dusk. Days, months and years come and go. They may be filled with activities, but they do not add depth and meaning to our lives.

I see many people making a living, some with great effort and even pain! They provide the means to support their existence: Accommodation, transport, clothes, food, etc. -But no inspiration! They are paying the bills and calling it life!

Someone one once said that there is more to life than increasing it's speed. Yet in many ways that is what we are pushed to. The way we live and expect to live, drives us to a picture pretend, "made in Hollywood" lifestyle that for many of us, leads to burnout and regret. Many of those wrecked and burned by racing, spend their days just existing.......

If living faster and "higher" is the ultimate highway lane to success, then why do we find so many people unhappy and unfulfilled, disillusioned, negative and bitter about their lives, wanting out??  Why do people sometimes fantasize about living a "slow" life somewhere in the countryside? Living honestly and real.

We all have the ability to live our life to the full, and most of the time that fullness is not equal to a certain standard of living in monetary terms! Really living your life has a lot to do with three P's. [Ya, eating more than three peas now and then will also help....]   Really living your life has a lot to do with:

Purpose: Finding the reason for your existence, why you were called into being -and striving to fulfil it.
Passion:  Finding your own (not someone else's) and following it.
Pace: Setting a sustainable pace to make sure that you can do what you want and have to do and keep on enjoying it over the full span of your life.

I believe that when we finish the "race" of life, we should arrive at the finish line with our loved ones, our health, our sanity and our faith intact....

May you LIVE until you die!
[May you never spend a single day just existing...]

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