"There is no real excellence in all this world which can be separated from right living." -David Starr Jordan *
"Right living" speaks of a way of life, it is not something you do for two days or two weeks. It is a default mode life style. Something you eventually do over an extended amount of time without thinking too much about it.
For most of us that does not just happen by itself! The default mode of life that we tend to fall back on in times of stress or busyness, would in most cases not be described with the term "right living." The way we behave and react, the things we do and don't do and how we do it, in short the auto pilot mode in our lives comes from somewhere. -Habits!
We are creatures of habit, be that good or bad one's! Over time we settle into certain tendencies or practises and that behaviour eventually becomes part of our mental attitude and character. You did not wake up one morning and find that you are doing something or living in a certain way, you have created habits in your live. We train ourselves over time to live and behave in a certain way and many times we don't like the results!
Studies have shown that it takes between 21 and 66 days to form a new habit, or to replace one. The success of such an exercise depends on how consciously aware you are of why you want to change that habit and how focused and determined you are to really do it! It also depends on the basis of the new habit.
(Good) habits are derived from principles. "Principles are like lighthouses." -Stephen Covey ** -They show the way. Every habit in our lives can be traced back to a principle. The habit will either affirm a certain principle, or try to avoid it.
What are the habits in your live? (Good and bad)
What are the principles that they are based upon or trying to avoid?
Do these habits take you to a life of "right living" and excellence?
* David Starr Jordan (1851-1931) was a well known ichthyologist (A zoologist that studies fish), an educator and a peace activist. He was also president of Indiana University.
** Stephen Covey, Page 33, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People 1992
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